
DAX Dictionary - Example Measures/Columns


I found myself referencing these DAX measures often to repurpose for new projects. Hopefully some of them can be useful for you as well!

GitHub Issue: Integrate with


Takes a table as the first argument, and an expression you want to calculate row by row and then take the sun of as the second argument

SUMX examples

Example 1: Calculate Sales, which is the Quantity times the Price for the line items

Sales Amount =
SUMX ( Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price] )

Example 2: Calculate the average sales per customer, for customers with a type = “Company”

Amount/Company = 
    AVERAGEX ( Customer, Sales[Sales Amount] ),
    Customer[Customer Type] = "Company"


Takes a table as the first argument, and an expression you want to calculate row by row and then take the average of as the second argument

AVERAGEX examples

Example 1: Calculate the average delivery time for all sales (using ALL()) will make this measure return the same number no matter then filter context)

Avg All Delivery =
AVERAGEX ( ALL ( Sales ), Sales[Delivery Date] - Sales[Order Date] )

Example 2: Same calculation as Example 1, except will dynamically adjust based on the filter context of the row (average delivery time of the specific delivery)

Avg Delivery = 
AVERAGEX ( Sales, Sales[Delivery Date] - Sales[Order Date] )

Example 3: If the delivery time is longer then the average for all deliveries, return Above Average, else return Below Average

Delivery State = 
IF ( Sales[Delivery Date] - Sales[Order Date] >= [Avg All Delivery], "Above Average", "Below Average" )

Percent of Total Calculations

Different ways to adjust the filter context and calculate % of total

Percent of Total Calculation examples

Example 1: Basic percent of sales calculation

% of Sales = 
DIVIDE ( Sales[Sales Amount], CALCULATE ( Sales[Sales Amount], ALL ( Sales ) ) )

Example 2: Calculate percent of sales that are delivered in under 7 days

% Within 7 Days =
VAR OnTime =
    CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( Sales ), Sales[Delivery Working Days] <= 7 )
VAR TotalOrders =
    COUNTROWS ( ( Sales ) )
    DIVIDE ( OnTime, TotalOrders )

Example 3: Calculate percent of total sales for the current year (total category sales / total sales for year)

% Year = 
// Get the sales amount for the selected year
VAR SalesAmount = Sales[Sales Amount]
// Get the sales table records where the [Year] is same as the selected year
VAR AllSalesTable =
    FILTER ( ALL ( Sales ), RELATED ( 'Date'[Year] ) IN VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] ) )
// Calculate the sum if multiplying quantity 
// times the price for each row in the AllSalesTable
VAR AllSalesAmount =
    SUMX ( AllSalesTable, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price] )
// Get the percent of the total (percent of total 
// sales of the category for selected year)
VAR Result =
    DIVIDE ( SalesAmount, AllSalesAmount )

Example 4: Same as example 3, but using CALCULATE

% Year using Calculate :=
VAR SalesAmount = [Sales Amount]
VAR AllSalesAmount =
    CALCULATE ( [Sales Amount], ALL ( Sales ), VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] ) )
VAR Result =
    DIVIDE ( SalesAmount, AllSalesAmount )


Removes any filters from the selected columns or tables

ALL and ALLSELECTED() examples

Example 1: Calculate % of Total Sales (without letting report slicers affect the results)

% On All = 
DIVIDE ( [Sales Amount], CALCULATE ( Sales[Sales Amount], ALLSELECTED( Sales ) ) )


Takes an expression as the first argument and then values to match and switch between (last argument can be the default if not previously matched)

SWITCH examples

Example 1: By setting the first argument of switch as TRUE() you can use it like a nested if function

Discount Category = 
VAR DiscountPercent =
    DIVIDE ( Sales[Unit Discount], Sales[Unit Price], 0 )
    SWITCH (
        TRUE (),
        DiscountPercent > 0.10, "HIGH",
        AND ( DiscountPercent > 0.05, DiscountPercent <= 0.10 ), "MEDIUM",
        AND ( DiscountPercent <= 0.05, DiscountPercent > 0 ), "LOW",
        "FULL PRICE"

Example 2: Need to generate a numerical Sort By column since it sorts alphabetically by default (Low, Medium, High isntead of High, Low, Medium)

Discount Category Sort = 
VAR DiscountPercent =
    DIVIDE ( Sales[Unit Discount], Sales[Unit Price], 0 )
    SWITCH (
        TRUE (),
        DiscountPercent > 0.10, 3,
        AND ( DiscountPercent > 0.05, DiscountPercent <= 0.10 ), 2,
        AND ( DiscountPercent <= 0.05, DiscountPercent > 0 ), 1,


Takes a table or column as the first argument (don’t forget how semantic models handle unknown values, by adding a BLANK() row, which is only counted by specific functions)


Example 1: Counts all of the rows in Sales (dynamic, based on the filter context of the row)

# Sales = COUNTROWS ( Sales )

Example 2: Counts the number of distinct values for the CustomerKey column in the Sales table (does NOT count BLANK rows)

# Customers = DISTINCTCOUNT( Sales[CustomerKey] )

Example 3: Counts the number of distinct values for the Order Date column in the Sales table (if a day does not exist as an order date in sales it is not counted)

# Days = DISTINCTCOUNT(Sales[Order Date])


Example 1: There is a relationship between the Sales and the Date table, so if a sale occured in a Working day it is multiplied by 0.001 versus a non-working day which is multiplied by 0.002

Bonus = 
    VAR Amt = Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price]
    VAR Perc =
        IF ( RELATED ( 'Date'[Working Day] ) = 1, 0.001, 0.002 )
        Amt * Perc

Example 2: There is a relationship between the Customer and Date table (and this calculated column was created on the customer table), so find the MAX order date from the sales table for each customer

Last Updated = 
MAXX ( RELATEDTABLE ( Sales ), Sales[Order Date] )

Example 3: Find the total sales between a specific time period

First Week Sales = 
    FILTER (
        RELATEDTABLE ( Sales ),
        AND (
            Sales[Order Date] >= 'Product'[First Sale Date],
            Sales[Order Date] < 'Product'[First Sale Date] + 7
    Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price]

// Example 4: Create a new # Sales Transactions NA calculated column in the Product table that
counts the number of rows in Sales related to customers living in North America
# Sales Transactions NA = 
    FILTER (
        RELATEDTABLE ( Sales ),
        RELATED ( Customer[Continent] ) = "North America"


Use variables to store values that need to be re-used (compares to a constant in other programming languages)

VARIABLE examples

Example 1:

Avg Discount = 
VAR GrossAmount = SUMX ( Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Price] )
VAR Discount = SUMX ( Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Discount] )
VAR AvgDiscount = DIVIDE ( Discount, GrossAmount )

Example 2:

Customer Age = 
IF (
    // if there is a missing value for either
    ISBLANK ( Customer[Last Updated] ) || ISBLANK ( Customer[Birth Date] ),
    // then return a blank
    BLANK (),
    // else calculate the age in days
    VAR AgeDays = Customer[Last Updated] - Customer[Birth Date]
    // then convert it to years
    VAR AgeYears =
        INT ( DIVIDE ( AgeDays, 365.25 ) )
    // then add some words to the end
    VAR Age =
        CONCATENATE ( AgeYears, " years" )
    // final the final string

Example 3: Variables can also be used to store tables

Delivery Working Days = 
VAR DateTable =
    FILTER (
        AND (
            AND ( 'Date'[Date] >= Sales[Order Date], 
                  'Date'[Date] <= Sales[Delivery Date] ),
            'Date'[Working Day] = "WorkDay"
    COUNTROWS ( DateTable )


Use the selected value from a slicer to dynamically adjust how a measure is calculated

Slicer Selection examples
Discounted Sales = 
VAR Discount =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( Discounts[Discount], 0 )
VAR PriceToUse =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Price'[Price], "Use Net Price" )
VAR SalesAmount =
    IF (
        PriceToUse = "Use Unit Price",
        SUMX ( Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Price] ),
        [Sales Amount]
VAR Result = SalesAmount * ( 1 - Discount )


Using CALCULATE() to filter sales down to a unique combination of colors/brands

CALCULATE() examples
RedLitware/BlueContoso = 
    [Sales Amount],
        FILTER (
            ALL ( 'Product'[Color], 'Product'[Brand] ),
             ( 'Product'[Color], 'Product'[Brand] )
                IN { ( "Red", "Litware" ), ( "Blue", "Contoso" ) }


Removes all filters on a specific table

Audio Sales = 
    [Sales Amount],
    'Product'[Category] = "Audio",
    REMOVEFILTERS ( 'Product' )